We Help YOU Know and Exercise:
* Life, the ultimate FIRST Right, pre-condition to others.
- Freedom of (not from) Religion
- Freedom of Speech & of the Press
- Right to Peaceably Assemble- Petition Government for Redress of Grievances
We Help YOU Know and enjoy your Rights to Life, Liberty, and Property based on the principles of:
- Due Process of the law- Equal Protection of the Laws
We believe that all other individual rights have their roots in the above-mentioned, and they are all inter-dependent.
Perhaps influenced and inspired by the USA, the international community realized the necessity to recognize to all human beings, as endowed with REASON and CONSCIENCE, equality in Dignity and Rights. The reason allows the individual to communicate with fellow humans. The conscience is the tool with which the Creator brought mankind into existence, and allows the individual to know right from wrong, and to thrive to do good which is bigger than self.
The United Nations set the legal parameters for individuals with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) in 1948.
3NITY CONSULTING advisors stand to take the lead in educating individuals and world communities which would foster world peace. 3NITY CONSULTING International consulting services include among others:- International Human Rights- Refugees (re)settlements: CLOSE TO HOME!- Peacekeeping/Peacemaking- Displaced populations- Etc...
By the way of Representation, some American citizens work behind the walls of our 3 branches of government to manage the business of WE THE PEOPLE.
Unfortunately, some of those employees forget who they work for. Worse and in recent years, some work against the people, their employers.
3NITY CONSULTING stands against government abuses of WE THE PEOPLE's rights and liberties!